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Working from home can be a bit of a transition.  Here are some recommendations to make things more workable.

Resetting Your Password While 在家中上班

Equipment and Software - Basic Setup Includes:
  •  电脑
    • 监控
    • 键盘
    • 鼠标
    • 摄像头w /麦克风
    • Headphones or speakers
  • Laptop – Most laptops have built-in speakers, camera, and microphone (the following items are recommended for better productivity)
    • 键盘
    • 鼠标
    • 大的显示器
  • 软件的最低
    • 变焦
    • RemotePC for those needing to access 资源 only available on campus.
  • 电脑/显示器 – We don’t have the 资源 to provide everyone with computers and monitors to 带回家. We ask that you use your equipment if you have it.  偶尔,当 there is a need for accommodation, we can provide certain items.  请求应该 be approved by your 主任或院长. 请 contact the helpdesk for assistance.
  • 网络摄像头和耳机 – We carry some limited stock on these items. These items will be low cost, but adequate to perform for this purpose.  请 contact the helpdesk for assistance.
  • 文档相机 – We have a low-cost, portable document camera available on the approval of your 主任或院长. 请 contact the helpdesk for assistance.
  • 文档扫描仪 – We do not stock these items. These will be special order.  请求应该 be approved by your 主任或院长. 请 contact the helpdesk for assistance.
  • 打印机- - - - - - We do not stock these items and discourage their purchase. These will be special order and special approval.  请求应该 be made by your 主任或院长. 请 contact the helpdesk for assistance.
  • 〇键盘和麦克风 We have stock available. 请 contact the helpdesk for assistance.
  • 扬声器, We have limited stock available. 请 contact the helpdesk for assistance.
  • Needs, Issues, Questions - The helpdesk is the first point of contact for every IT need.  当你发邮件的时候, a ticket is automatically created.  This saves us a substantial amount of time and allows us to spend that time on resolutions.
  • 购买 - All company purchases of equipment and software should be purchased through the 它帮助台.  We are evaluating and tracking all purchases for 新型冠状病毒肺炎 reimbursement 潜在的.  If you need anything, email the helpdesk.  We have many things in stock and are rapidly ordering anything we can find to maintain our stock levels.  我们也 evaluate purchases for network viability and security.
  • 图书馆的设备 - We ask that staff refrain from checking out library equipment.  我们需要这个 equipment for students in two weeks.  工作人员 should always reach out to IT for equipment 资源.  Email the helpdesk and we will work with you to solve your needs.
  • 沟通 - We want to make certain that all communications are answered quickly and by the correct 资源 in IT.  Many 工作人员 in IT are receiving emails directly from 工作人员.  Our email volumes have increased dramatically in the past weeks.  当你发邮件的时候 someone directly, it will most likely be missed and not answered promptly, especially with team members who are ill or on LWOP.  请 email the helpdesk and CC资源. This allows for tracking and followup.
  • 升级 - If you are unsatisfied with the resolution or the timeliness of our response, please contact Maureen Bryant or Jason Hetterle so we can work to address your concern and improve our customer service.
Forwarding Your Mitel phone to Your Cell phone or Home Phone
  • Open Mitel 连接 and click on your name in the upper left corner.
  • Under Primary Assignment click "external assignment number". If you do not have your cell phone number listed, click "add new number" and add the number you want to forward to.
  • You can add multiple numbers if needed.

Resetting Your Password While 在家中上班

请 see our page on changing your Network Password:

Resetting Your Password
